
So the question has to be – WTF? What on all that is holy has Boris Johnson decided now? The most muddled response to a crisis any of us are likely to have ever seen, apart from our transatlantic cousins. No one seems to understand the requirements placed on the country, and large parts of it dont seem to give a fig.

Well, we do. My wife could still end up going to intensive care, because people are bored with the lockdown, or want to have a conga to comemerate VE Day (because Winston Churchill famously led a conga line at Yalta). Sometimes it is embarassing to be British – our so called ability to ‘Keep calm and carry on’ – unless a BBQ and beer is involved. We will keep our self isolation in place for as long as it takes. Work dont expect me back in the office, and we wont send the kids back unless absolutely necessary.

We are still healthy here – the stress of being confined is the worst aspect, but we are very lucky to have a garden and seperate rooms to be in. Home schooling is tough for an 8 year old, but more structured for my 14 year old.

The next tough thing is the amount of food we get through – four of us for three meals a day – it takes a lot! But we are being very structured, and planning well. Only the odd arguement along the way.

That is all for now – keep on, keep safe, protect the NHS. Don’t listen to the Government, they are only out for their moneyed friends, and dont care about us.

One from Neil to leave you with – one of the greatest songs of all time!

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