Every year we go to a Nov 5th firework display as a family. (For non Brits this commemorates the attempt by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Kind of like remembering 6th Jan in the US by having a party). The only one we have missed was when my wife was in hospital in 2018, but even then we watched from the windows of the hospital. We alternate between one run by the scouts, and one run by the cricket club next to my daughters school.
Both are fun. A massive bonfire, lots of fireworks, mulled wine, BBQ (in the British sense – burgers and hotdogs). But this time of year is cold, and typically wet. Just recently we have had storm Ciaran, and so the ground was very wet underfoot, let alone plenty of flooded roads. And one of the roads flooded led to the cricket club where we had chosen to go.
And so that meant my wife decided she couldnt come along. She struggles with getting warm once she gets too cold, but has also developed a swollen ankle after standing alot. There could be no guarantee of her finding a seat at the fireworks, and the damp in the air would cause her to get sick.
But she was adamant that we should go (partly because we had bought tickets, and she didnt want to waste the money). I felt bad, but we also have to think about the children, and try to make their lives as normal as possible. The balance is tough. In the end we facetimed my wife, so she could see the fireworks, if not smell the smoke. It felt like the best option in the end.
I spoke in my last blog (https://mywifehascancer.blog/archives/802) about our failing relationship, and this was yet another example of her disease getting in the way of our lives. It is so frustrating, as she has been feeling better, but not well enough to partake in this. The fact we have to compromise over every aspect of our lives is really shitty, and feels never ending. However, I feel we managed to at least involve her here.
The ankle thing is worrying me a bit. She had the blood clot a couple of months ago, and has been on tablets, but the swelling and some pain in her wrists suggests that something is still not right with her circulation. It could be because she has started being more active recently, but we have to be careful not to be too complacent. If we have learnt anything in the last few years, it is that something innocuous isnt always as it first seems, and you should always get to a doctor to get it checked out.
I also did my weekly task of updating the tablet box, and printing a new checklist. We have some new supplements added to the list, and I brought in new boxes from the store in the garage. There is a bag in there, full of her prescriptions for the next few weeks. We then keep a small box with enough for the week in the kitchen high cupboard. There are 8 to be taken each day right now, a number that increases when she is on chemo. The checklist is vital for us to keep on top, otherwise with her mind sometimes running out of juice, she would forget some. I dont think it would have a big impact, but to be honest wouldnt want to risk anything at this stage.
So the weekend ended on a fairly typical note, completing jobs to prepare for the week ahead. My wife has a call with her specialist this week, and we are hoping for good news as always. It is also my birthday, so we are heading out to celebrate one evening. Hopefully the call can lead to a double celebration.
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