New Year Resolutions time!

Happy New Year – 2024 is upon us. We had a good end to the festive period, with a trip to Port Lympne animal and safari park in Kent (link here for info – I highly recommend it Unfortunately it was raining most of the time, so that did put a little dampner on everything, but we still got to see most of the animals there, especially the lions and tigers.

We have a domestic cat, and are always amazed at the similarity between her and the tigers. The same mannerisms, and movements, despite being significantly different in size!

The weather did cause one big problem. When we were on the safari, the ground was really muddy and rutted. We were all jolted around in the vehicle, and on one particular hole, my wife was bounced off the seat and landed on the floor. She didnt have a seatbelt on, and didnt really have quick enough reactions to catch herself. Some very kind people helped to pick her up, but she had a bang on her head, knocked her back and legs, and we later found out cut her back.

I may have mentioned before that she has a long standing pre-cancer back problem, and with her weight loss this becomes more and more prevalent.I think being fairly sedentary and lying down alot doesnt help ease it. So the concern now is that she has done more damage to her back. The long hours of driving over Christmas will now have helped either, and the sudden jolt on the safari has pushed some bones to stick out.

This seems to be a recurring theme in our lives. We have a good time, but something will always come along to take the edge off it and try to spoil the occasion. I cant moan though, we are luckier than most I guess.

Hopefully the injury will not impact too much into 2024, and she wont start the year off with unnecessary pain, but as ever the chances are slim. The best we can hope for is that the chiropractor can fix it before it gets too bad. We dont need this cycle of pain and correction throughout the new year.

Which brings me onto the new year, and my thoughts for resolutions. On a personal front I ended last year really badly, with work being much too stressful, and me being in a really awful place mentally. I was struggling to engage with people, like my capacity for interaction had been used up. So the Christmas break has been good to try and recharge my batteries, but I must focus on my mental well being on a regular basis as well. So my resolutions are an attempt to try that, without being too over selfish.

  1. First up is being more considerate to my wife. I find myself being frustrated and not being as thoughtful as I could be at times. My frustration should be with cancer and not her, so I am endeavouring to be better. Her life is hard enough without me being angry at the situation.
  2. My next few are linked with the first one in some ways. I realise my mental health is not good, so will do something about it. First up is to lose weight. A previous post talked of this need ( and now I will be more serious about it.My weight is too high, and so I will bring it down. This blog will be where I keep track, and first up is a shot of the scales on the 1st Jan.

3. Next is to keep up my interests, and read more and listen to more new music. I will list the finished books here (currently reading a couple so hopefully soon), and new music I have listened to. I started with the 2023 Ash album Race The Night, which I cant believe I missed last year. The title track is brilliant.

4. I am also kicking on my guitar practice. I started lessons last year, and will now try to practice more. So far only a couple of Beatles tunes sound any good, but with a bit of work more will come through.

5. Finally try to engage more with friends, in person and on the phone. When I get low I shut myself away from people, which is an awful reaction and makes things worse, so I will start to shy away from doing that.

I see 2024 as a year to work on my mental wellbeing, and use that strength to help my wife with whatever happens this year. I feel yet again we will be in for a tough 12 months, so I need to be fighting fit physically and mentally.

Keeping Track

Current weight – 111.6KG

Books finished – none yet

New music listened to:

  • Ash – Race The Night


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