We all need to take a break now and then

This last week has been school half term holiday, and after the recent events (https://mywifehascancer.blog/archives/858) it was well needed. The school holiday means no need for the stress of the school run, and last week it also meant my wife and our son went to stay with my mother in law for the week.

In the days before her diagnosis and losing her ability to drive (recounted in this post from a while back https://mywifehascancer.blog/archives/66) my wife would take both children down to her mums by herself. Now there has to be a little more planning as logistically it means either me driving all the way, or meeting my mother in law and swapping over at the motorway services.

We have to be aware of the time in the car for her as well, because she gets back pain and stomach pain from sitting for too long. So it is a long morning driving and sorting her out, making sure she is comfortable and not in pain.

I always needed the break when they went away for a weekend in the past, and now even more so. I have the kind of brain that needs alone time. The strain of worry and the role of being a carer can be put aside for a short while, and give me time to try and reset my brain. It is a time of mental recovery for me, when I can meet friends, get some jobs done around the house, even blast my favourite music without having to wear headphones!

We all need this kind of break, otherwise we would go mad. The stress of daily life takes its toll, and relaxation is key. Regardless what pressures people face, everyone deserves the chance to step away from them now and then.

I never find the break long enough now. There is so much I would like to do, and the need for downtime is far greater than in the past, that five days doesnt work. Before I realise it, we are back into the routine again, and facing our battles. It is a stark reminder that the pressures and strains we are under will not go away, and are permanent. It is also a stark reminder that my wife cannot escape from constant pain, aching, food intolerance and tiredness. My selfish need to have some downtime cannot even compare.

Keeping Track

Current weight – 110.9KG

Books finished:

Matthew Green – Shadowlands – about lost places in Britain, either villages that fell off cliffs or were abandoned and so on. Very interesting.

New music listened to:

  • Ash – Race The Night
  • Captain Beefheart – Safe As Milk
  • The Cult – Under the Midnight Sun
  • Shed Seven – A Matter of Time
  • Bill Ryder Jones – Iechyd Da
  • BC Camplight – The Last Rotation of Earth
  • Black Grape – Orange Head
  • Kula Shaker – Natural Magick (not listened to their new music since the 90s, and was pleasently taken aback. Great tunes)
  • The Last Dinner Party – Prelude to Ecstasy (Baroque pop? Could be a number one album, and deserves it)


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