Tonight was the first school carol service of the year, at our sons school. He stayed in and was fed there, while my wife and I were to go for hopefully mince pies and then the service in the chapel.
It had been a stressful day before then. My daughter was having an interview to try and go to Cambridge Uni, her big ambition being to study engineering (Yay, go girl!). But the first session was quite tough and led to tears. Thankfully the second one was better, but we wont find out until January.
My wife had been home with her as she dialled in remotely, and as it was a cold day had made a spaghetti bolognese, a family favourite. We sat down with plenty of time to go. However standing up cooking takes alot of energy from my wife, and the smells and sight of the food means she often does not eat.
Well unfortunately today, it was worse than that. Her meal bounced, very rapidly. She looked awful, ashen faced when she finally came out from the bathroom. Sadly this has happened so often that the children know that we just have to wait for her to come back rather than going to try and help.
This was ten minutes before we were supposed to leave for the mince pies and carols. We were already cutting it fine, as we knew she wouldnt be able to stand and then sit on probably uncomfortable chairs for an hour or more, but now the pressure was really on.
And this is where another unfair aspect for my wife comes along. She wants, nay should go to things, and why should she be excluded? But the world doesnt make it easy. Ideally she needs us to park in a disabled bay close to where we are going, however by deciding that she cant spend too long at things, these spaces will probably have gone. So we have to either go earlier, or walk further, both of which will make things worse for her.
Her eyesight is bad, and she stuggles with lots of people around, and so again going late to events means that the ideal seat for her to sit at will be gone – prime viewing space doesnt always get held. We dont like to make a big fuss, especially at school events, for fear of embarrassing the kids, and so dont ask for seats to be saved.
Luckily tonight, despite the traffic and the tea not staying down, we made the carol service, and she managed to join in with the hymns. It was a lovely way to kick start the Christmas period.
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